Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’

Vaginismus and Sexual Problems

Vaginismus and Sexual Problems

Questions Frequently Asked About Vaginismus and Sexual Problems

1-I’ve been married for 1 week, and I guess I have vaginismus. How should I proceed with this problem?

First of all, it would be useful for you to have a gynecological examination. Vaginismus can be easily diagnosed through a gynecological examination and medical history. If you have such a problem, we recommend you to receive treatment without delay. Vaginismus is a condition that requires professional support, and unless it is treated, the problem get worse with each passing day.

2-How is “Vulvar Vestibulitis” treatment performed? I want to get information about this.

Vulvar Vestibulitis is a sexual problem that manifests itself with painful sexual intercourse and is often cannot be fully diagnosed or can be overlooked. It can also be confused with vaginismus. Both surgical and non-surgical procedures are available for its treatment. It is possible to surgically remove the mucosa of that area. Non-surgical procedures such as laser, radiofrequency and PRP can performed to renew and strengthen the skin tissue.

3-I’ve been married for 1 year, and I have an incomplete sexual intercourse with my husband. I feel too much pain and my hymen is still intake. Do I have vaginismus?

Painful sexual intercourse is known as 'Dyspareunia'. It is a curable disorder and its root-cause could be psychological or physical. First, it is necessary to make an evaluation. It may also be caused by your ‘Vulvar Vestibulit’ problem. You need to be examined for a definite diagnosis.

4-I’ve been diagnosed with ‘Lichen Sclerosus’. I cannot have sexual intercourse due to narrowness. Is there a definitive treatment for this disease?

If lichen sclerosus disease includes a vaginal introital stenosis, it can be surgically eliminated. In addition, tissue regeneration can be achieved performing treatments such as laser, radiofrequency, and PRP procedures. You can get information about the subject by cantacting us through our WhatsApp line +90 530 763 34 00.

5-I ejaculate within about 2 seconds. What are the causes this? Is there any treatment procedure intended to prevent premature ejaculation?

In cases of premature ejaculation, it is possible to achieve a solution with sexual therapy and medical support. Unless treated, your problem will continue. This condition may negatively affect you, your spouse and your marriage. Under normal conditions, the time considered to be normal for the penis to remain in the vagina is at least 1 minute.

6-I have vaginismus, and I am now pregnant. I'm afraid of giving birth. Am I likely to I have a hard time if I have a vaginal delivery?

In our clinic, you can have vaginismus treatment between the 13th and 30th weeks of your pregnancy. After your treatment, there will be no harm in having vaginal delivery. If you do not get support, I recommend you to first have a cesarean section to prevent your problem from getting worse. To get support in this regard, you can reach us at +90 530 763 34 00.

7-I have had vaginismus treatment and I have one child, but my problem still persists. What should I do?

Your treatment may have been inadequate. Even if pregnancy and vaginal delivery have been experienced during the course of vaginismus disease, the problem may still persist. Therefore, we recommend you to seek professional help again without delay.

8-Is it possible to consult a psychologist online?

Yes. We also provide online sexual therapy and psychotherapy support for our patients living outside our city or abroad, who cannot come to our clinic for face-to-face therapy.

9-I have been married for 3 years and I have a son. I cannot get sexual pleasure during sexual intercourse. Is it curable?

You need psychological support for your lack of sexual drive. We have vaginal laser and PRP procedures which can be performed to eliminate this problem. In addition, we also provide psychologist support for this purpose. You can get detailed information and request an appointment by reaching us.

10-Is there any drug treatment for vulvodynia?

In the treatment of vulvodynia, some energy-based procedures and some simple interventions are at the forefront; and according to our years of experience, oral medications are not so effective

11-I had vaginal tightening surgery a year ago. Is it likely to recur in the future?

If the correct technique is used in surgical vaginal tightening operations and if no pregnancy occurs in following periods, no significant relaxation is observed in the future.

12-I'm afraid of having surgery due to the pandemic. What do you recommend?

During the pandemic period, we perform 90% of our procedures in clinics instead of hospitals. Therefore, the conditions do not pose any problem. The procedures can also be easily performed under local anesthesia.

13-No matter how many doctors I visited, I was refused because I was single. Can vaginismus treatment be performed on virgins?

Of course, it can be performed. In our clinic, we can easily perform vaginismus treatments on single and virgin patients. We just need to have your consent in this regard. You can make an appointment for treatments by contacting us through our WhatsApp line +90 530 763 34 00.

14-I watched your animation video about vaginismus in tears. I was surprised to see that so many people have vaginismus problems...

Thank you. It was the first video about vaginismus in our country. We released it as dubbed in Turkish and English. We tried to bring together the problems commonly faced by many of our vaginismus patients.

15-Can I get information about vaginismus treatment fees? What is the basis for determining the price for vaginismus treatment?

The fees for the treatment of vaginismus are determined based on the result of a simple gynecological evaluation, which is performed during the first session. The fees vary depending on the extent of the problem and the treatment procedures to be performed. You can get detailed information about this subject by calling our clinic. We definitely support our patients in this regard. Don't worry about it.

16-Have you ever encountered any failure in treating your vaginismus patients due to the patient herself?

In our vaginismus treatments, failure is almost impossible as long as our patients strictly follow all of our recommendations. Some of the reasons for this are as follows:

  • We personalize the treatment (There are 8 different treatment methods we perform),
  • Our treatments are flexible, in other words, we can use different techniques for patients who resist any procedure.
  • We have a professional team including psychologists, family counselors, sexual therapists and gynecologists.
  • We give confidence by cooperating with four health centers in three big cities of our country.

17-I have vaginismus, but I cannot be treated because I am a mother of a baby. What path should I follow?'

Having a baby is never an obstacle to treatment. Our treatments take 3 days on average. It will be enough for you to allocate only 1.5-2 hours a day for your treatment. For example, if we start your treatment on a Monday, you can have a comfortable sexual intercourse on Wednesday or Thursday.

18-During sexual intercourse, I can achieve orgasm in only one position (rubbing on top). Do you think this is a problem?

Sexuality should be comfortable, easeful, painless, and should contain pleasure and satisfaction. if you get satisfaction only in certain positions and if this causes a feeling of discomfort, you can get professional support.

19-I’m suffering from leak of sexual drive. What should I do?

Leak of sexual drive can be of physical or psychological origin. If it is of physical origin, it can be treated with procedures such as genital laser, radiofrequency, genital PRP. We also perform stem cell treatments. If the problem is of psychological origin,we support our patients with sexual therapies.

20-Have you ever helped someone who has been sexually abused?

Yes, of course. In cases of genital deformations and hymen damages caused by sexual abuse, genital aesthetic operations are commonly performed. We also offer psychological support for these patients.

21-I cannot achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse. I can achieve orgasm only by masturbating. What can you recommend me about this?

This is probably the problem called coital anorgasmia. Sexuality has two dimensions: Brain and Genital Area. We apply sexual therapy for the first and procedures such as laser treatment and o-shot for the second.

22-I have been married for 20 years and have 3 children. I haven't had any sexual pleasure since the first day. Is this a curable problem?

It would be useful for you to take sexual therapy for overcoming the lack of sexual drive. You may also have underlying marital problems. Childhood, upbringing and perspective on sexuality are also important factors. In this regard, first an evaluation should be made and then the appropriate treatment procedure should be selected and started accordingly.

23-Can a person develop vaginismus later?

Yes, it is possible. Vaginismus that develops subsequently is called 'secondary vaginismus'. It develops after difficult childbirth, abortion and gynecological examinations. Sometimes it develops due to sexual abuse and rape. Its treatment is almost identical to primary vaginismus treatment.

24-One part of the outside of my vagina is itchy all the time, and I couldn’t get rid of it despite my all efforts. What could be the cause of this?

You may have vaginal fungal, bacterial vaginosis, vaginal parasite infections or lichen sclerosus. Besides these, the shampoos or toilet papers you use could be allergic. Preferring underwear made of cotton, not synthetic materials, is among the precautions that you should take.

25-With the vaginismus treatment, I managed to have sexual intercourse once. However, 1 year has passed and I could not do it again. What can you recommend me about this?

You need to apply for treatment again. Apparently, your problem has not been completely solved. We recommend you to get support as soon as possible.

26-I have been treated for vaginismus in your clinic. I am pregnant now. Can I have vaginal delivery?

Best wishes on your pregnancy! You don't have to be afraid. You can easily have a vaginal delivery. Of course, you will make the right decision by considering the state of your pregnancy, your baby’s size, and position during birth as well as your physician’s recommendations.

27-Because vaginismus treatment is very expensive, I have to postpone it repeatedly. Can you help me in this regard?

Our association has allocated a budget for this purpose. You can get support from it. In addition, the disease is treated in some state and university hospitals.

28-Will this problem recur years after having vaginismus treatment?

It is a low possibility for the problem to recur after the treatment. If you faced such a problem, I recommend you to get support again.

29-We cannot have complete sexual intercourse, and I feel pain. What could be the cause of this?

Painful sexual intercourse is caused by psychological and physical factors. Vaginismus is the most common factor among psychological factors. However, it is necessary to first identify the cause by making a simple gynecological evaluation. The treatment is based on the cause, and a 100% solution is possible.

30-Have you ever had a PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome) patient? How is your approach towards PSAS patients?

We have supported a great number of PSAS patients who have manifested themselves with constant arousal and genital fullness. Laser applications and botulinum toxin injections give highly satisfactory results in treatment of PSAS.


In this section, you will find some of the hands-on aesthetic genital surgery (cosmetic gynecology) courses, trainings and meetings given by Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ.

Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate

Dr. Süleyman Eserdag clinic has "international health tourism authorization certificate" by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.


This institutition is entitied to operate in the field of International Health Tourism within the scope of the Regulation on International Health Tourism and Tourist`s Health, in accordance with the Requirements for International Health Tourism Health Facility and the general principles of the Regulation.

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Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDAssoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’
+90 (530) 763 34 00
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