Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’

About Vaginismus Treatment

About Vaginismus Treatment

Vaginismus is seen in every layer of society. Women who have applied to our clinics due to vaginismus have common features. Vaginismus is the most common reason for applying to a physician among all sexual problems.

In this section, most common questions and their answers are given about vaginismus treatment. At the same time, some important information is given about vaginismus treatment in our Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir clinics.

Who performs vaginismus treatment?

Vaginismus should be managed by the physicians who were trained and experienced in this field. The important point is the information and experience of the doctor who applies treatment.

Psychologists can provide consultancy about sexuality to couples about sexuality but they don’t have authority to treat the disease. This authority for the treatments only belongs to doctors.

Since there is no specialty of sexology in Turkey, physicians who work on this subject conduct their studies in accordance with their experiences (like a sexologist). Starting the right treatment in the right clinic are among the most important factors affecting treatment process and success. In our clinic, more than 8000 vaginismus patients have been successfully treated since 2003. This number is increasing day by day.

Who has vaginismus at most?

Vaginismus is seen in every lever of society. There are some common features in the stories of women admitted to our clinics due to vaginismus. Vaginismus women;

  • Have been raised by their parents with a lack of sexual information
  • This problem may also occur in girls who are grown up in a comfortable environment, as well as those who are overly disciplined by their family and the environment.
  • Have exaggerated and wrong stories about the first night in their minds
  • The small part of them express that vaginismus developed after harassments in the past
  • Have a controller and perfectionist characteristics. They usually focus on the negative aspects of the events.
  • Have a high degree of anxiety.

Vaginismus is a common sexual problem not only in Muslim countries but also in the world. There are many specialized centers working on this subject around the world. In addition, vaginismus is the most common reason for applying to a physician among all sexual problems.

Who should couples with sexual problems apply for?

Patients who have problems in sexual intercourse or sexual penetration should first be examined by a gynecologist. In vaginismus problem, physical (structures) obstacles of about 10% rate can lead to sexual dysfunction. This rate is around 70% in patients with painful sexual intercourse. Therefore, with a gynecological evaluation performed in the first session, it must be determined whether the problem is based on psychological or physical origin. Hymen problems, vaginal septums (divisions),short and blind vagina syndrome are congenital and structural abnormalities that cause failure of sexual intercourse. Sexual problems in men should first be evaluated by a urologist and then some tests should be done.

What should be the first stage about vaginismus treatment?

The steps in our clinics about the treatment of vaginismus are as follows.

  • Detailed medical history: Detailed information is taken about the person's past life, family and marriage and any previous treatment.
  • Gynecological evaluation: It is a simple, painless evaluation that lasts less than 1 minute. It is checked whether there is an underlying anatomic obstacle and vaginismus degree is determined. If there are accompanying vaginal infections, treatment is started.

There are 5 levels of vaginismus. The level of anxiety is tried to be reduced by additional (supportive) methods in patients with high level. In this way, adaptation to treatment will be easier. There may be some differences in treatment methods in patients with severe vaginismus.

Is treatment is possible at single session in vaginismus?

Please do not rely on advertisements like ‘treatment at a single session’ recommended by some clinics! This will return you as both financial and moral loss. Except for very mild degree of fear or misinformation, it is not possible to treat vaginismus at a single session! People should not expect a miracle.

The average treatment period is 3 days with the methods applied in our clinic. In severe patients, this period can be extended to 4-5 days. We treat our patients with treatments consecutively on daily basis and exercise for about 1-1,5 hours per day according to the degree. During the treatment, patients are accompanied by female therapists.

Can you give detailed information about vaginismus treatment?

As Hera Clinic, treatment methods applied in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir clinics are exactly the same.  Behavioral and cognitive sexual therapies are the most common among these methods.

Cognitive methods include detailed information about sexuality, the first night, genital region anatomy and physiology. Behavioral treatments include some of the pelvic muscle studies known as ‘vaginismus exercises’ among the people. Vaginismus exercises which are made to be applied do not include finger exercises.

On the other hand, we refer to supportive and alternative methods depending on the situation of patients and the degree of the problem. Hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP, acupuncture treatment, botulinum toxin injection and surgical methods are among these methods. The same method is not applied to each patient and multiple methods can be applied to one patient. Before each treatment, detailed information is given to the patients, their consents are taken and then the treatment is started. No method is applied in which patients do not accept.

How long does vaginismus treatment last?

Vaginismus treatments last for 3 days in our clinics in İstanbul, İzmir and Ankara. This includes 48 hours for a patient who comes for consecutive treatments.

In severe patients, the treatment period can be extended to 4-5 days. Treatment methods which are applied in each of the three clinics are exactly the same.

By gynecological examination at the first session;

  • Presence of an anatomic situation
  • Duration of the treatment
  • Methods to be used
  • Cost of the treatment is clearly expressed to the patient and a complete treatment process is determined.

Patients who cannot come to treatment on a daily basis may continue intermittently.

What are success factors in vaginismus treatment?

There are four important factors that affect the success of vaginismus treatment. Confidence: Patient’s confidence to herself, to the therapist who will make the treatment and to the treatment method. Especially ‘Patient-Therapist’ relation and effective communication should be established very well.

  • Patience: Being strictly committed to exercises determinedly and altruistically. In the meantime, the patient should be resistant to psychological fluctuations.
  • Home exercises: Making home exercises on regular basis.
  • Husband’s support: In our clinic, there is no obligation for husbands to participate. But partners can also participate if they wish, and those who are not eligible are not required to come. However, even if they cannot participate in treatment, it is important that they support their spouses spiritually, motivate them and please them with love words. In addition, exercises which are made as partners are extremely important for 100% success.

Please note that after treatment; all your experiences will come to you like a dream, you will make a brand new start to life.

What is the chance of treatment success?

There is no possibility of failure if patients obey with the above success factors. We have treated more than 8000 patients so far and have almost 100% percent success rate since 2003

How can I make an appointment?

You can make an appointment by calling 0 (850) 303 2000 from anywhere in Turkey and abroad. WhatsApp number is for calling or sending SMS is  +90 (530) 763 34 00

In addition, you can call +90 (530) 763 34 00 for Istanbul clinic and +90 (312) 426 85 25 for Ankara clinic. It will be useful to have a call three weeks before applying for treatment.

Patients coming from another city or country should call our clinic before buying their flight tickets. In some cases, appointments may be delayed because of the heavy schedule. There is no problem if you are in menstruation period when you come for the first evaluation. However, if you intend to start treatment immediately as you come, you should be in the non-menstrual period during the treatment.

If your appointment date corresponds to your menstruation period, inform us about this situation. Your menstruation date can be postponed safely with a medication. You will have completed the half of process even you make researches about vaginismus treatment and apply for an appropriate clinic.

How is vaginismus treatment costed?

Patients who come to Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir clinics with sexual problems first have gynecological evaluation and consultation. Afterward, they are given clear information about their situation, the degree of vaginismus problems, the average number of sessions and treatment methods to be applied. Only one consultation fee is charged after this examination and consultation.

In patients who decide on treatment, ‘package pricing’ is done according to the vaginismus degree and treatment method to be applied. This is the total, fixed, the standard fee which is determined in the first session. Even if the treatment period is more than expected or extra methods are applied, an additional cost is not charged. Treatment is continued until a final result is achieved. Please call our WhatsApp phone for more information +90 (530) 763 34 00


In this section, you will find some of the hands-on aesthetic genital surgery (cosmetic gynecology) courses, trainings and meetings given by Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ.

Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate

Dr. Süleyman Eserdag clinic has "international health tourism authorization certificate" by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.


This institutition is entitied to operate in the field of International Health Tourism within the scope of the Regulation on International Health Tourism and Tourist`s Health, in accordance with the Requirements for International Health Tourism Health Facility and the general principles of the Regulation.

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Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDAssoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’
+90 (530) 763 34 00
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