Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’

Orgasm In Women

Orgasm In Women

Orgasm is the rhythmic contraction of muscles around the uterus, vagina and anus with condensation of pleasure in brain during sexual activities such as sexual intercourse or masturbation. It is the peak of pleasure in sexual activity.

One of the biggest problems women experience about sexual intercourse is the problems of orgasm. Here are the some of the orgasmic dysfunctions in women:

  • Reaching no orgasm at all,
  • Having an orgasm very difficult in intercourse,
  • Unsatisfactory and rare orgasmic pleasure,
  • Involuntary and uncontrolled orgasm,
  • Orgasmic dysfunction in intercourse while it is possible with masturbation.  

What is orgasm?

The word orgasm comes from the word ‘orgasmus’ which means ‘lustful excitement’ in the Greek language.

It is the rhythmic contraction of muscles around the uterus, vagina and anus with condensation of pleasure during sexual activities such as sexual intercourse or masturbation. Orgasm is the peak of pleasure in sexual intercourse. Contractions are between 3-15 times on average and last between 5-15 seconds. It may extend up to 60 seconds. The number and duration may vary from person to person, and it is associated with muscle strength of the pelvic floor. After these rhythmic contractions, a state of relaxation occurs. In order to better understand the orgasm, it is useful to talk about the stages of sexual intercourse.

Stages of sexual intercourse

Stimulation stage: It is the stage when blood flow to genital areas and nipples are intensified with the onset of sexual imagination and activity. Vaginal lubrication also increases with excitement.

Plato stage: Due to sexual stimulation, the shape of the vagina changes because of the high blood supply. It is the stage during which the couples are ready for the penetration. Pleasure is considerably increased and triggering is expected.

Orgasm stage: It is the shortest stage of sexual intercourse. When the pleasure reaches its highest point during the intercourse, rhythmic contractions occur in the muscles of uterus, vagina and anus. These contractions occur on average of 3-15 times. It is characterized by a sense of satisfaction in the brain.

Resolution stage: Previous stages disappear and the body turns into neutral status. It is the resting stage. 

Orgasmic physiology and autonomic nervous system

Our body is managed by our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system within the autonomic nervous system. Increased parasympathetic activity along with sexual stimulation increases blood flow to the genital area, thus increasing the genital lubrication in women and erectile function in men. Parasympathetic dominance is terminated at a certain stage, and ejaculation function occurs in men and women with increased sympathetic activity.

Orgasm in men is seen as the ejaculation of semen. In women, it is characterized by contraction of the muscles around uterus, vagina and anus.

‘Prolactine’ hormone (milk hormone) level is increased during orgasm in women.

How do women reach orgasm?

Stimulation of genital area, especially the clitoris, the perimeter of the urethra and the anterior wall of the vagina by mechanic contact triggers orgasm in women.

The anterior wall of the vagina is more sensitive compared to the posterior wall. In addition, stimulation around nipples, anus and mons pubis also accelerates orgasm. Orgasm can be facilitated by hypnosis or during sleep as well.

Highly concentration, imagination and decreasing the auto-control (self control) are the essential concerns for reaching the orgasm comfortably.

Differences between the woman and man orgasm

Men experience the process of ejaculation during the orgasm. This type of ejaculation is usually not observed in women. It is characterized by rhythmic contraction of the muscles around the vagina and anus.

Women are luckier than men about orgasm; they may have orgasms without any mechanical effect. In addition, they are ‘multi-orgasmic’; have the chance of having an orgasm more than once in single intercourse.

Men can continue to perform orgasm even if sexual stimulation stops during orgasm. In women, if the vaginal or clitoral stimulation stops, orgasm function does not continue.

Female ejaculation

In only 5% of women, an ejaculation which is called as ‘female ejaculation’ occurs during the orgasm. In other words, fluid discharge occurs from vaginal entrance similar to fluid discharge in men. Lack of female ejaculation is not considered as a problem. Moreover it may be bothersome for some of the ladies.

Does reaching orgasm affect conception?

The uterine contractions that occur during orgasm create a negative pressure effect and allow the sperm to be transported from the cervical canal to the fallopian tubes. It makes conception easier. However, there is no requirement to have an orgasm for conception.

Vaginismus patients can reach orgasm

Although vaginismus patients do not have complete sexual penetration with their partners, they can experience clitoral orgasm through friction and superficial satisfaction. The problem of vaginismus does not prevent orgasm with external masturbation and mechanical stimulation.

Anorgasmia problem and treatment

It is the problem of anorgasmia or very difficult or rare orgasm in women. In men, it is characterized with late ejaculation or non-ejaculation. While an important part of women can reach an orgasm with masturbation, they cannot experience orgasm during their relationship with their partners. This situation which is called as ‘coital anorgasmia ’can cause some problems.

If anorgasmia causes problems in the woman, her partner or in their mutual relation, it should be treated. Nowadays, in addition to the recommended sexual therapy methods, complementary medical applications such as vaginal laser, genital radiofrequency and genital PRP have opened a new era in the management of anorgasmia problem.


In this section, you will find some of the hands-on aesthetic genital surgery (cosmetic gynecology) courses, trainings and meetings given by Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ.

Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate

Dr. Süleyman Eserdag clinic has "international health tourism authorization certificate" by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.


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Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDAssoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’
+90 (530) 763 34 00
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