Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’

Sexual Desire Loss

Sexual Desire Loss

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder or Sexual Desire Loss problem is a very big problem that has been increasing in both men and women in recent years. It is frequently seen in every period of life, especially in elderly and can cause some serious marriages problems.

What is sexual desire loss? Definition

Sexual desire loss is a problem in which there are no sexual activities and fantasies (thoughts) for at least 6 months and all sexual activities such as sexual intercourse and masturbation are abandoned. Sexual arouse cannot be seen despite adequate stimulants. This condition can be seen both in women and men.

Sexual desire problems in women increases with the process of menopause. It also increases in men by aging. Sexual desire loss is also known as ‘sexual frigidity’ among people. Sexually cold women are described as ’frigid’ in community. Frigid women have a tendency to move away from all kinds of sexual activity and fantasy. It is generally of psychological origin and a sexual dysfunction disorder which can be treated.

What is sexual aversion?

Sometimes, lack of sexual desire can be more severe. Sexual aversion is characterized with having disgust about sexual intercourse, one’s own genital organ, penis or semen of her partner, and sexual objects. Some reactions like nausea and vomiting can be seen during sexual intercourse.

The underlying causes of sexual aversion are usually traumas like sexual harassment or rape in childhood, and very strict and religious upbringing which is quite far from sexuality.

Sexual desire loss types

Primary sexual desire loss

Lifelong, one does not show any interest in any sexual activity and does not show the desire for any sexual activity. It is sexual desire loss type which is seen from the beginning.

Secondary sexual desire loss

The desire to have a sexuality which exists since from the development of sexual identity is decreased or disappeared and this situation is called as secondary sexual desire loss. It is an acquired problem and usually observed after negative sexual experiences.

Conditional (Situational) sexual desire loss

Sexual desire is very unstable. It can be different through partner, time, location, and other conditions. Exhaustive work tempo, discussions with partners, financial difficulties, incompatibility with partners, fairness discrepancy or exchange of partners can lead to conditional sexual anorexia.  Having a sexual desire to another partner while the interest towards spouse is decreasing is conditional sexual anorexia. Premature ejaculation and erection problems in a male partner may also be the reason for conditional sexual desire problems in women.

Reasons for sexual desire loss

It can be caused by psychological and marital reasons. Infrequently by organic (physical) reasons.

Primary sexual desire loss

The causes of primary sexual desire loss usually result from a lack of stimulant. Lack of sexual desire can be seen in people who live a sexually isolated life. However, hormonal changes, excess or lack of hormones can lead to it.

Secondary sexual desire loss

Secondary reasons are usually caused by negative sexual experiences. Incompatibility with the partner, partner’s not caring about personal care, fear in the relation, past resentments, social changes, financial problems, job changes, depression, experienced sexual traumas (harassment, rape, incest),difficult birth, abortion and other gynecological interventions can cause this problem.

Social Changes

Social changes; starting a new business life, leaving the job, being promoted, economic difficulties, the death of a close relative, being in an intensely stressful environment, depression and lack of trust are among the factors.

Organic (physical) reasons   

Some chronic diseases and side effects of the drugs can cause problems. Antidepressant drugs, contraceptives and cortisone-containing medications can cause it. In addition, it is mostly seen in women who are in menopausal period. A number of chronic diseases, cardiac diseases and diabetes, hypertension, circulatory disorders, thyroid diseases are some of the factors that cause hypoactive sexual desire disorder. It can derived by hormonal changes.

Pain in women during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) and anorgasmia problems are also the reasons for it.

Spousal reasons

Among the most important psychological reasons for sexual lack of desire are the attitudes of partners or spouses towards each other. Couples who are angry with each other and have problems in their relationships start to give psychological reactions, which show itself in the form of sexual desire problems over the time. However, the majority of patients who come to us with this problem state that they have sexual desire problems because their partners or spouses do not give importance to personal hygiene. It is important that spouses should be pleasing to the eye as well as to the soul of their partners, should pay attention to their personal care and should be clean.

Hormonal reasons

Prolactin hormone (milk hormone) elevation can lead to the problem of sexual desire loss in both men and women. Age-related regression of testosterone hormone levels in women and men may also lead to it. Depending on decreased estrogen and testosterone levels during menopausal period in women, incidence is higher.

On the other hand, inadequate functioning of thyroid hormone and excessive cortisone production of adrenal glands may cause it. Treatment of sexual desire loss is reason-oriented.


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Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDAssoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’
+90 (530) 763 34 00
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