Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’

Laser Labiaplasty

Laser Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure intended to reduce labia minora and to eliminate asymmetry problems. In labiaplasty, tissues can be cut with conventional scissors as well as with laser.

What is Labiaplasty?

In fact, the labia consist of two parts as labia minora and labia majora, but the term labiaplasty is often used synonymously with labia minora plasty (surgical reduction of the labia minora). The procedure intended to reduce the labia majora is called labia majoraplasty. Although labiaplasty covers both labia minora plasty and labia minora plasty, it is often used to refer to labia minora plasty. This section contains information about 'laser labiaplasty'.

Who are suitable candidates for labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty can be performed for a variety of reasons including;

  • Labia minora which are larger than normal, wrinkled, or saggy,
  • A labium bigger than the other (Asymmetry),
  • Excessively dark colored areas in the labia minora,
  • Deformations caused by birth, removal of the bartholin gland, falling, cycling, or traffic accident.

Sometimes, although there is no major physical problem, the person request labiaplasty due to psychological factors.

Is surgery necessary?

Is it possible to perform labiaplasty with laser? Is a surgical operation necessary?” These are among the most frequently asked questions about labiaplasty. The purpose of labiaplasty is to reduce the labia minora. Although large, long or asymmetrical labia may have been genetically the same since childhood, they can also develop over time due to irritation in some women. Since it is aimed at reducing the labia minora, it is necessary to cut the labia minora surgically.

Laser labiaplasty

Laser devices work on the basis of sending a highly condensed light beam to the tissue. The thermal (heat) energy sent to the tissue can perform the followings:

  • Ablation (destruction),
  • Vaporization,
  • Coagulation (hemostasis),
  • Surgical cutting.

For this reason, laser can be used in many fields of medicine. So, laser labiaplasty operations can be performed as an alternative procedure.

How is laser labiaplasty performed?

During laser labiaplasty, excess tissues are cut with laser instead of metzenbaum scissors. The tissues are then stitched as if they were cut with scissors. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages compared to each other. The important thing is that the surgeon decides which method is suitable for which patient.

What is the advantage of laser labiaplasty? Does It Have Any Disadvantages?

Laser labiaplasty operations cause extremely less bleeding. Therefore, the operation time is shorter. On the other hand, its disadvantage is the longer healing time due the tissue damage in the laser incision area.

Postoperative Period of Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is one of the surgical procedures which give great satisfaction with their results. A half-day hospital stay is adequate after labiaplasty, which is a surgical procedure allowing for easy postoperative care. For eligible patients, the procedure can also be performed in clinics under local anesthesia.

After Labiaplasty

  • Undesirable aesthetic appearance is corrected, and consequently, the person's self-confidence increases,
  • Recurrent vaginal infections occur less frequently,
  • Undesirable conditions due to large and long labia minora such as pain during sexual intercourse are eliminated.
  • Irritations that occur due to friction when wearing pants decrease,
  • Protruding appearance does not occur when wearing bikini,
  • Complaints such as difficulty in urination or urine flow towards different directions are eliminated.

Physicians Performing Labiaplasty

Web sites, objective forums and social media posts can guide you while selecting a surgeon among physicians who perform labiaplasty. We recommend you to do a good research for this purpose before having labiaplasty.

Labiaplasty procedures are surgical procedures, which have yet to be included in medical training and internship programs. Therefore, a very few number of experienced physicians work in this field. The knowledge and experience of the physician is of great importance in the success of the operation. Otherwise, extremely negative consequences are likely to occur.

In labiaplasty operations, the surgical technique should be determined based on the patient’s condition and expectations. Depending on the condition of the patient’s tissue, the surgeon can perform laser labiaplasty or prefer classical techniques.


In this section, you will find some of the hands-on aesthetic genital surgery (cosmetic gynecology) courses, trainings and meetings given by Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ.

Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MD
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate

Dr. Süleyman Eserdag clinic has "international health tourism authorization certificate" by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.


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Assoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDAssoc. Prof. Süleyman Eserdağ, MDCosmetic Gynecologist & Sexual Therapist
Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)
Editor of the Book ‘Female Aesthetic and Functional Genital Surgery’
+90 (530) 763 34 00
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